Labels:book | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: Mr. Hardy's knowledge, Ms. Harris taped portion of their conversation the meeting Mr. Hardy admit- ted that he had engaged ir the npu4s Harris conm plained of but her that he was only "joking" that his sexually affensive canduct only reflected his effort trea her "like one of the boys. 156) He promised stop engaging in the offensive behavior. Relying upon Mr Hardy assurances tha he would stop his offensive conduct Ms. Harris agreed mou to resign . Mr Hardy's promise, however, was ahortlived Within few weeks after his August, 1987 meeting with Teresa Harris, Mr Hardy again began directing sexually offensive and harassing remarks towards Ms. Harris. particularly egregi ious episode led Ms Harris termi nate her employment with Forklift plained her testimony: [I]n September of 1987. told him t ...